PRC Online Renewal Process Step 1: Open the PRC LERIS website at . Close all pop-ups. If you have an accou...
PRC Online Renewal Process
Step 1: Open the PRC LERIS website at Close all pop-ups.If you have an account with the old system at, take note that your account is no longer available and that you will need to sign up with PRC LERIS.
If you already have an account with PRC LERIS, please proceed to Step 4. Otherwise, proceed to the next step for the registration.
Step 2: Take time to read the terms and conditions on the right side of the page. Scroll down and click the green “I AGREE” button to proceed.
Step 3: Enter your personal details as printed in your Notice of Admission or Professional Identification Card. Make sure that your first name, middle name and last name are correct as there’s no way to edit them after registration. After double-checking that your provided information is correct, solve the captcha code and click “REGISTER.”
Congratulations! You now have successfully signed up for PRC LERIS.
Step 4: This is where you will enter additional information such as your permanent mailing address, mobile number, family background, name of school, degree or course, and date of graduation.
Click “SAVE INFORMATION” when you’re done.
Step 5: It’s time to upload your photo. Click the blue round icon as shown in the screenshot below.
Step 6: Please read the photo requirements. Your photo must be 2″ x 2″ in size in plain white background and must be taken not more than 6 months before uploading. Click “PROCEED” to continue.
Step 7: Click “Choose file,” select your scanned photo in .JPG format, and click “Open” to upload it. Click “ZOOM IN” or “ZOOM OUT” to fit your photo with the light grey box as shown in the screenshot below. You can also click and drag your photo to fit it into the box. Click “UPLOAD IMAGE” when you’re done.
Step 8: Now you profile is complete. Click “SELECT TRANSACTION” on the right side of the page.
Step 9: A pop-up will appear. Choose the “RENEWAL” tab.
Enter your profession and PRC license number. Click “PROCEED” to continue to the next step.
Step 10: In the appointment page, choose the PRC regional office or service center where you will have your appointment. After selecting, the system will give you an appointment date and time. If you don’t like the appointment date, click “RESCHEDULE” and select a new date. Click “PROCEED” to continue.
Step 12: Review the transaction summary. Click “SAVE” to proceed.
Step 11: Select your payment option. Click “SUBMIT.”
PRC LERIS offers three payment options:
LandBank ePayment Portal – accepts LandBank transactions, GCash, and any BancNet member bank
UCPB Online Payment Portal – accepts UCPB online banking payments as well as over-the-counter transactions
PRC cashier – you will need to personally pay at the PRC office
If you choose to pay via LandBank ePayment Portal, please prepare your 10-digit account number, the joint account indicator (“0” if individual and “1” or “2” if it’s a joint account), and ATM PIN.
Step 12: Check the box that says, “I certify that I am at least 18 years old and have read, understood, and agreed to the Terms and Conditions.”
Input your 10-digit bank account number and joint account indicator (the value is “0” by default). Click or tap your PIN on the PIN pad. Click “Submit” when you’re done.
Step 13: Click “OK” to proceed with the payment or “CANCEL” to make any changes.
Step 14: You can now see your payment confirmation. Click “PRINT” to print the payment confirmation form or “OK” to proceed to the next step.
Step 15: You have successfully paid for your PRC ID renewal. Click “GO BACK TO PROFILE.”
Step 16: Click “Existing Transaction” on the left side of the page, choose your PRC license renewal transaction, and click “PRINT DOCUMENT” to print the PRC renewal form.
You can also print the payment confirmation form if you haven’t already done so. To do that, just click the “PAYMENT DETAILS” button.
Step 17: Print the application form by clicking the print icon as shown in the screenshot below. You can also save the file to your computer or flash drive by clicking the download icon just next to the print icon.
Step 18: Go to the PRC regional office or service center at the date and time of your appointment. Don’t forget to bring the PRC renewal requirements as listed below.
PRC Renewal Requirements
Bring the following PRC renewal requirements during your appointment at the PRC office:✔ Printed PRC ID renewal application form a.k.a. Application for Professional Identification Card (PIC)
✔ Printed payment confirmation form
✔ Original and photocopy of certificates showing the CPD units acquired (except for the first renewal cycle)
✔ Original and photocopy of expiring/expired PRC ID
✔ An extra 2″ x 2″ ID photo just in case the clerk asks for it
You will usually get your new PRC ID on the same day, and it will have a validity period of three years.